Born and raised in Lagos, Gbenga Gomes is a 25-year-old cinematographer, who hopes to further along as a director of photography but also extend his areas of expertise to film editing and directing.

With a national diploma from Yaba College of Education, in Nigeria, Gbenga is inspired by the creative industries of Africa and “the unbelievable untapped talent”, and excited to make meaningful contributions to the film and TV landscapes of Africa. While participating in MTF’s 12-month immersive programme, Gbenga aims to hold on to the lessons learned and connections made during his time at the West Africa academy in Lagos.

“I hope to gain experience, learn and unlearn about film and TV, and also link up with people with similar dreams to mine.” When asked what he would like to add to Africa's video entertainment industry, Gbenga says, “I hope to foster a more united Africa, as I want to work with Africans from as many countries as possible.”