Melkamu Haile /Eric comes from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. At the young age of 26, Melkamu has worked in film for five years – two as a permanent Assistant Director as a production company called RedFox. 

While in 9th Grade, Melkamu attended a theatre and poetry club at his school. Where students from Addis Ababa University theater graduates had come to give a public attachment course. After six months of training, his theatre class produced a play and presented it to the school.  It was then that he realized that he was a brilliant actor and the DIRECTING teacher selected him among the talented children and to the Alatinos Filmmakers Association where he got to interact with renowned Ethiopian film Director HENOCK AYELE. Since then, his life become more connected to cinema.

Many of the films Melkamu admires are not Ethiopian or African, and this makes him very sad. He hopes to tell Africans stories to the African continent first, then to the world.  As a filmmaker, he wants to see an African film standing on its own two feet. . .. Joining Multichoice Talent Factory has also given him the confidence that he can become more professional and achieve the goals he has as an African filmmaker.