Ludmila “Mila” da Gloria Mero is a 26-year-old television programme producer from Sofala Province, Mozambique. “I want to be a recognised filmmaker”, says Mila and aspires to “create a Mozambican soap opera, which addresses matters of public interest and educate people”. Looking forward to making a name for herself in the film industry by joining the Multichoice Talent Factory, Mila hopes to learn a lot from the academy especially “about the intricacies of the business of production and how that connects to the different functions of film”. Mila would also like to gain insights “into storytelling, which is an art and science. I want to learn to practically tell stories, not simply from inspiration but a calculated science too.”

Following training at the Multichoice Talent Factory, Ludmila is hoping to one day use her skills gained at the academy to “bridge the gaps within Africa’s film industry and upskill fellow African creatives”.