Born in Lusaka, Zambia, Muchemwa is a 23-year-old emerging producer, writer and presenter, Muchemwa Sinkala is considering a bright future in film and television. “I’ll bring an alternative and youthful enthusiasm to Africa’s film and video entertainment industry, as well as ideas and content that encourage audiences to dream big and think outside the box.” A lover of books and movies, Muchemwa says she is fascinated by “the arts as whole, that is visual art, theatre and the like, outside of that it would obviously be the environment, economy and politics. These factors play into the daily lives of people and do influence film.” Despite the challenges in the industry, such as “the lack of emotional and financial support for many creatives”, Muchemwa says the potential and energy “energy that people put into their work is inspiring. Seeing a good quality production gives me hope and fuels my drive.”