Deborah Omikunle is a multitalented creative born living in Lagos, and working as an entrepreneur in the entertainment and fashion industry. With a B.Sc in Computer Science from Redeemer’s University in the UK, 26-year-old Deborah is excited to join MTF to set her on her way to becoming “the producer and presenter of the highest rated talk show in history”, which Deborah says is her dream.

While participating in the 12-month programme at the MTF West Africa academy, Deborah – who is enthused by Africa’s diverse cultures and dynamic stories – says she believes she will not only learn from this immersive experience but also make important connections.

“I hope to become a professionally certified producer at the end of this programme and to get in-depth knowledge in filmmaking. I look forward to meeting other creatives like myself so that we can ignite Africa’s creative industries together!”