Gloria Akor is a 22-year-old media intern born and raised in Kaduna, Nigeria. A Mass Communication graduate from Covenant University in Ogun State, Gloria is passionate about ways to creatively craft and innovatively share stories.

According to the creative, who is enthused by Nigerian film and TV, her dream career is either a “filmmaker, author or a career in communications, such as public relations, creative copywriting or advertising”. Taking the first step to manifesting her dreams by joining the MTF programme, Gloria believes that being part of the class of 2020 will help her actualise her career goals. “Aside the amazing creatives I hope to meet and network with at MTF, I aim to learn how to effectively translate the myriad of stories I have in my head to the big screen.”

When asked what she can add to Africa’s video entertainment industry, Gloria says, “I think I bring to the table fresh stories that have yet to be told on the big screen. At the core, I’m a storyteller and telling stories – for brands, for business, for myself – is something that sets my soul on fire!”