Am Alex kinuthia am an actor, script writter and director ,age 21 born and raised in loitoktok ,i started acting when I was in class 4,I loved to go and make fun of people trying to act then my teacher Mr kareiyo told me to join them and after a while I bonded with acting ,I have won awords in primary and secondary .after finishing school I came to Nairobi and joined a group of actors where I found my self lucky because after a few rehearsal I was given the main role in afilm called Mtaa yangu ,I loved the experience after same time the group colapcoll I decided to form mine and I formed a group that am working with on one of my scripts The Dealer.
Am Alex kinuthia am an actor, script writter and director ,age 21 born and raised in loitoktok ,i started acting when I was in class 4,I loved to go and make fun of people trying to act then my teacher Mr kareiyo told me to join them and after a while I bonded with acting ,I have won awords in primary and secondary .after finishing school I came to Nairobi and joined a group of actors where I found my self lucky because after a few rehearsal I was given the main role in afilm called Mtaa yangu ,I loved the experience after same time the group colapcoll I decided to form mine and I formed a group that am working with on one of my scripts The Dealer.