
Producer Kabo Nginya, otherwise known as psylyx kaybee, born in Masunga
Botswana, June 20 1996, began his film career as an AFDA student in 2015.
He first started out as a sound designer before trying a hand in cinematography.
He shot short movie masaitsiweng which was received fairly well. He then went
on, to edit another horror, voodoo and went on to write and direct and produce a
couple of short films including broken chains, revenge saved cold and
transformation before realizing his true passion in producing.
Still a student in AFDA, he produced his first movie revenge saved cold. He also has
several movies on different genres ranging from thrillers to dramas. The list includes Aphala, Pusha, life
encounters, bare with me and Two blind mice, the story of a schizophrenic man who loses everything in
life, even his own son and eventually his life at the very end. Still in Afda he had the opportunity to be an
assistant producer in a game show which premiered in Botswana television “top 20 shootout” and also
played a role of production technical director in Revival Gospel show. He also has other movies airing
out in film festivals, this includes pack up and Thanya.
He is currently the Head Of Production for QuickTv Africa Botswana Branch.


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Sound Design


bachelor of arts in motion picture medium


revival gospel show tv show

top20 shootout tv show

quicktv head of productions


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