I am Photographer and Cinematographer based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Basically photography on Art , Events and lifestyle niche, have been working solo and also freelancer shooting for many company on events and personal brand. In respect to Film making have working with mostly Short Films that are to be showcased on exhibition as Director of Photography or Assistant Director. As a film student and best in script writting have be doing consultancy with most upcoming writters on sharpening their skills. https://www.instagram.com/p/BW_4gmMhUcW/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1jwf5y44hrmxu
I am Photographer and Cinematographer based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Basically photography on Art , Events and lifestyle niche, have been working solo and also freelancer shooting for many company on events and personal brand. In respect to Film making have working with mostly Short Films that are to be showcased on exhibition as Director of Photography or Assistant Director. As a film student and best in script writting have be doing consultancy with most upcoming writters on sharpening their skills. https://www.instagram.com/p/BW_4gmMhUcW/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1jwf5y44hrmxu
The highest level of education is Barchalor Degree, though have been through other mini course to sharpen my career as Online Diplomas and Certificates.mail.google.com/mail/mu/mp/459/#cv/search/cv/164d653dad6c28e8
The highest level of education is Barchalor Degree, though have been through other mini course to sharpen my career as Online Diplomas and Certificates.mail.google.com/mail/mu/mp/459/#cv/search/cv/164d653dad6c28e8
Its now constantly five years experience in the media film jumping across role to role but mostly as Photographer or Cinematographer in Tanzania. Shooting out events, documentary , film and adverts for company and personal projects. https://youtu.be/Fs01-FlX1XQ
Its now constantly five years experience in the media film jumping across role to role but mostly as Photographer or Cinematographer in Tanzania. Shooting out events, documentary , film and adverts for company and personal projects. https://youtu.be/Fs01-FlX1XQ